Opleidingen Dieren EN

ThetaHealing® Animals

This seminar takes place in two days, during which you will learn to communicate with animals and how to heal them with Thetahealing®. You will learn how to feel an animal and to scan it. Furthermore you will learn how to communicate with the animal and how to heal both an animal and its owner. You will learn to make a crystal lay-out and to retrieve information from the DNA. We will also practice in scanning a variety of animals from a distance and in doing a personal reading of an animal and communicating with it.

Topics that we will have a closer look at are:

  • Assisting animals with their healing
  • Insight into animals
  • What is instinct?
  • Intuitively acquiring access to DNA-memory
  • Intuitive communication with animals
  • The intuitive reading of an animal
  • Wildlife
  • How to work with animals
  • Receiving ancestral information

Animals are more special than we think, they offer us enormous amounts of love, inspiration and wisdom. It is interesting to see how easily they heal.

This seminar will show you sides of yourself that you probably weren´t aware of untill today. Your knowledge will be increased, skills will be learned and capacities addressed in order for us to assist our closest companions in their own, or their owner´s, healing. You will also learn how much fun it is to effectively communicate with animals.

After participating in this seminar you will be a certified ThetaHealing® animal practitioner.

Duration: 2 days from 10:00 until 15:00
Investment in yourself € 350 inclusive manual, coffee, tea and snacks. Lunch is not included.
Deposit € 100 non refundable.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper
Dates: see Agenda

Do you want to study multiple Theta Healing courses consecutively? If so, contact me to discuss the benefits of signing up for more than one course at the same time and profit from my loyalty program.